Episode 7: Baby Boomers, Millennials and the Value of Mentorship
Here’s a reality check: Millennials will make up the majority of our workforce by 2020. At the same time, Baby Boomers, although approaching retirement, are still active in the workplace. This creates a tremendous opportunity for mentorship. Companies can keep both older and younger workers engaged and learning by encouraging and even arranging mentor relationships. This will facilitate essential knowledge transfer – especially institutional knowledge – from Boomers to Millennials. And it’s a two-way street: Boomers can learn about new technologies and ways of doing business and communicating from their younger counterparts. I like to call mentorship the exchanging of the “secret sauce.” Join me in the seventh episode in our 10-part podcast series on “Working with Millennials.” I’m chatting with Adam Shapiro, Podcast Editor at Hunt Scanlon Media, about the value of mentorship and the importance of connecting Baby Boomers at your company with your up-and-coming Millennials.